Beal’s on-going relationship with Lloyd’s of London was further cemented when twenty Year 12 students visited the iconic Lloyd’s Building (an ‘inside out’ building designed by Richard Rogers to provide the perfect working environment for its clients) for an Insurance Insights Day held in conjunction with Future First.
Over the course of the past two years such visits have developed into days where the day is now predominantly skills-based. During the day students were given tips as to how best improve their CVs. (It would appear the average judgement on a CV is made in a mere 7-12 seconds.) Students were also given advice on how best to focus in an interview situation with the ‘STAR’ and ‘CAR’ techniques being discussed and students later practised their interview techniques when questioned by Lloyd’s of London staff.
In a carousel-type activity Beal students were given the opportunity to speak to a range of Lloyd’s of London staff with a variety of roles and various degrees of experience about what their jobs involved and how they ended up working for Lloyd’s of London.
The students were made aware if they weren’t already that a career in insurance offers excellent career opportunities in the financial sector. Students concluded that although insurance can offer an extremely rewarding career it is at times perhaps unfairly overlooked in favour of the ‘bright lights’ of investment banking.
A career in insurance, perhaps via a degree apprenticeship may well be an option that several of those on trip as well as others in Year 12 at Beal now choose to pursue with the quotes below showing how much the students valued the trip.
Mr. Matheson March 2025
‘…thank you for the Lloyd’s of London opportunity today, it has definitely given me insight into how Lloyd’s of London operates, and has also inspired me to consider a career there.’ AS
‘Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to the Lloyd’s trip. It was very helpful, and I enjoyed every bit of it.’ IK
‘I enjoyed yesterday because I learned that it can be the simplest things within an application process that can make me stand out in front of other applicants.’ DE
‘…thank you so much for taking the time to guide us on the Lloyd’s of London trip. I really enjoyed it, and it gave me a new perspective on potential opportunities and future careers paths. I had a great time, especially talking to everyone and learning about how everything works. Thanks again, and I really hope we can do something like this again soon!’ RH

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