Welcome to Beal High School
Beal High School is at the heart of the Beacon Multi Academy Trust. We are committed to working in partnership with The Forest Academy, The Beacon Business and Innovation Hub and NELTA SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) – to provide high quality learning experiences for all students
Beal is a mixed, community comprehensive school for students aged 11 – 18 (including a small number of 19 year olds in Year 13). We are the largest secondary school in England, with over 2,600 (September 2018) students on roll including over 800 in the Sixth Form. Students are divided into 12 forms on entry. The vast majority of our students come from the catchment area and we celebrate the fact that our local community is ethnically diverse which is reflected in our intake. Included on the Beal roll is the Beacon Communication School for students with a range of social communication difficulties including Autism and Asperger’s syndrome. This is heavily oversubscribed and has developed a post 16 provision. Many of the students are integrated into the wider school community for academic and social experiences throughout the week.
Our 2018 Key Stage 4 examination results place us in the top 20% of non-selective schools for attainment and the top 20% for progress. The outcomes and progress for Beal Sixth Form students are excellent, placing us in the top 25% of schools. Progression beyond the sixth form is remarkable with 90% of students moving on to university and 30% of these accepting places at Russell Group institutions. In summer 2018, ALPS graded our A level and BTEC results as outstanding for progress. Beal Sixth Form was joint first for Post 16 progression in Redbridge 2018.