Beal High School uses a single interactive platform, Satchel One (also known as ‘Show My Homework’), for access to the curriculum virtually. Every student and teacher has access to this platform through their school email account. This should be the ‘one stop shop’ for all students and parents of students who are unable to access the curriculum from the classroom. Satchel One is also a useful resource for students who have attended lessons to review material, complete additional supporting activities and help with revision.

Departments should regularly i.e. half-termly, review and upload resources which are relevant to the curriculum they are teaching. Resources uploaded to this platform may be enhanced by links to other applications such as Microsoft Teams, Moodle, MyMaths, Kerboodle or Oak Academy, for example.

Curriculum resources for each subject should be readily available to all students on Satchel One from the first day of any absence.