Beal High School Admissions in Years 7 – 11

Beal High School is a mixed, 11-18, comprehensive school.  The school was built in the 1950s as a boys’ grammar school.  It has developed over the years to become a mixed comprehensive school and since September 2013 the Published Admission Number is 360 pupils for Years 7-11 (organised into 12 form groups).

From February 2014, Beal High School converted to academy status and established the Beal Academy Trust now Beacon Academy Trust which incorporates Beal High School, The Forest Academy and the Beacon Business Innovation Hub, an alternative provision free school located on the Beal campus, which opened in September 2014.

Beal High School has a scheduled entry and catchment area.

Beal High School offers a personalised curriculum with several new applied learning courses in addition to GCSE and A levels.  All classrooms are used to maximum capacity to allow optimum delivery of this curriculum.

Applying for a secondary school place at Beal High School

All of Beal High School’s students are admitted through the London Borough of Redbridge admissions procedure at

If you do not live in Redbridge, you should contact your own local authority about transferring to a Redbridge school.

If you have any queries about your child’s application for a place at a secondary school, please contact Children’s Services by emailing

SEN Applications

Do not complete an online form, if your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs/EHC Plan.  You should contact the Redbridge Special Educational Needs team on 020 8708 8210, who handle the arrangements for Secondary Transfer in such cases.


Moving onto a new school is a life changing experience for students and parents/carers.  It is an important stage in any child’s life which can be quite daunting for them.  We recognise this and understand that students and parents/carers need to feel reassured, happy and safe during this transition period.  We hope that the information provided helps you through the transition process.

For further information please contact the Admissions Manager at:

Beal High School, Woodford Bridge Road, Ilford, Essex, IG4 5LP.

Telephone: 020 8551 4954 or 020 8418 2641