Vision & Values

We value courtesy at Beal

Please modal this for our students


We want
our students
to be

We work alongside colleagues, parents and carers to ensure that our students benefit from a breadth of curriculum opportunities to learn and thrive as members of both our campus and local communities. We engender a positive learning culture where young people can aspire, be challenged and excel in an atmosphere of safety and purpose.

& aims

  1. To improve the life chances and social capital of all learners, particularly the disadvantaged, through an inclusive approach to the curriculum, teaching and learning.
  2. To develop engaged and resilient young people who positively contribute to their communities and who understand their responsibilities as citizens.
  3. To create opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through engagement with higher education and the professional workplace. Students will be self-regulating in overcoming challenge and negotiating solutions.
  4. To widen participation and robustly support social mobility through ensuring that high numbers of students move on to destinations within universities and HEIs or onto further training through high-quality careers and progression guidance.
  5. To provide career progression opportunities for staff and create opportunities for collaboration and integrated approaches to teaching and learning