Vision & Values

We value courtesy at Beal
Please modal this for our students
- Beal High School is exceptional. It is a diverse, vibrant community with a strong sense of mutual respect and a high expectations inclusive culture. Our students experience a rich, varied curriculum which unlocks their potential, ensuring outstanding outcomes and confident progression for all.
We want
our students
to be
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their full potential.
- Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
We work alongside colleagues, parents and carers to ensure that our students benefit from a breadth of curriculum opportunities to learn and thrive as members of both our campus and local communities. We engender a positive learning culture where young people can aspire, be challenged and excel in an atmosphere of safety and purpose.
& aims
- To maintain and improve the ‘Quality of Education’ through clear intent and measurable impact
- To provide all learners with access to a rigorous, broad and varied curriculum.
- To improve the life chances and social capital of all learners, particularly the disadvantaged, through an inclusive approach to the curriculum, teaching and learning.
- To develop engaged and resilient young people who positively contribute to their communities and who understand their responsibilities as citizens.
- To create opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through engagement with higher education and the professional workplace. Students will be self-regulating in overcoming challenge and negotiating solutions.
- To widen participation and robustly support social mobility through ensuring that high numbers of students move on to destinations within universities and HEIs or onto further training through high-quality careers and progression guidance.
- To provide career progression opportunities for staff and create opportunities for collaboration and integrated approaches to teaching and learning