Our curriculum supports and challenges learners to be:
successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives; by cementing their sense of identity, this in turn enables them engage in positive relationships and nurture their own talents.
responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society, and show respect and tolerance to others

Our emphasis in on providing a broad and balanced curriculum with a clear continuum of development from year 7 to year 11 or 13. It is focused on subject disciplines, delivered by subject specialists, but also on increased autonomy, the development of interest and skills and the promotion of independent learning.
We believe in equality of opportunity and also in the development of key aptitudes:
Aptitudes for learning – e.g. reasoning, creativity and positive motivation
Aptitudes for managing information – e.g. research and reflection
Aptitudes for relating to people – e.g. leadership, teamwork, communication, emotional intelligence and stress management
Aptitudes for managing situations – e.g. time management, coping with change, risk taking, feelings and reactions and creative thinking
Year 9 students select 40% of their KS4 curriculum from a wide variety of courses, following very thorough Information, Advice and Guidance sessions with experienced members of staff.

At Beal Sixth Form, our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum enables students to build a successful future. Our academic pathways are flexible and aspirational and our personal development curricula inspires our young people to develop their skills, build their character and achieve top grades to facilitate successful progression routes. Students choose from a selection of 38 academic and vocational subjects all leading to university, apprenticeship or employment destinations.

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